How much does it cost to develop an on-demand app like Decathlon Online Shopping App

Recently, the sporting industry shifted towards a multi-sport viewing nation in India. However, the upsurge in participation and lots of engagement helps the business to ply their trade in several parts of the country as well as grow in sheer rapidity. Sports is basically a massive cycle of change in a business that is headed towards a positive path. In this article, we are talking about How much does it cost to develop an on-demand app like Decathlon Online Shopping App.

Decathlon is basically a French-based company that deals in more than 5000 sports goods retailers. Identically, it has become the world’s largest retailer of sports equipment with more than 1100 stores across the world. Moreover, it is founded by Michel Leclercq in 1976. Afterward, it started to expand a decade later to abroad like Germany, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Brazil, China, India, Taiwan, and many more. 

According to an on-demand online shopping app like Decathlon, their aim is to reach with more valuable customers to supply goods even in remote locations in India. It has more than 1 million downloads with 4.6 ratings. In addition to this, Decathlon products are available to the stores as well as online through online resellers.

If you are thinking about investing in an on-demand online sports goods retailer app like Decathlon and wondering about How much does it cost to develop an on-demand app like Decathlon Online Shopping App. Welcome to the Tech Pathway blog, we share with you the complete development process with cost deciding factors. 

Also Read:- How much does it cost to develop an on-demand app like Koovs

Key Features of an on-demand app like Decathlon


  • Registration & Login

  • Product Listing & Filters

  • Product Details Page

  • Favorite Listings

  • Add to cart

  • MY Cart

  • Billing & Shipping Address

  • Recently Viewed

  • Order History

  • Track order 

  • Delivery Status

  • User Profile 

  • Rating & Reviews


  • User Management

  • Product Management

  • Logistics Management

  • Banner Management

  • Category Management

  • Reports & Analytics

  • Feedback & Support

  • Offers & Discount Management

  • Payment & Refund Management

Advance Features

  • Hassle-Free Registration Process

  • Multiple Payment Options

  • Push Notifications

  • Social Media Integration

  • Revenue Analytics

  • Dashboard Analytics

  • Customer Analytics

  • Loyalty Rewards

The Process to develop an on-demand app like Decathlon

  • Requirement gathering

  • UX/UI Designs

  • Prototype

  • App Development

  • Quality Assurance

  • Deployment

  • Support & Maintenance

Tech-Stack of the on-demand app like Decathlon:-

  • Mobile SDK:- Android or IOS

  • Real-Time Analytics:- Google Analytics, Hadoop, Big Data

  • Location Tracking:- Apple Maps, Google Maps

  • Payment Integration:- PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, E-Wallets, Net Banking, E-Banking

  • Notifications:- Twilio, Amazon SNS, Push.IO, Map,  AdPushup

  • Cloud Storage:- Google Cloud Storage, Amazon Cloud Storage

  • Databases:- MongoDB, MySQL, Cassandra, HBase

  • Messaging:- Firebase, Twilio

How much does it cost to develop an on-demand online shopping app like Decathlon?

The development cost to build an on-demand app like Decathlon absolutely depends on the requirement of the clients that he looking for. If you are planning to develop an on-demand app like Decathlon, it may cost you around between $15,000 to $45,000 depending on the key-factors I have mentioned below.

Following Key-Factors are responsible for the development of an on-demand app like Decathlon:-

  • Location of an app development company:- Basically, the location of a mobile app development company will determine the cost of an on-demand app. If you are planning to hire the USA or Europe based company, it will charge you $200 - $250 per hour whereas if you are choosing an India based company, it will charge almost $40 - $50 per hour. 

  • App UI/UX Design:- App design basically depends on the requirement of the clients that he looking for. If the app design is better looking as well as smooth user-friendly UI/UX, it will encourage more customers. 

  • App Developers:- Additionally, mobile app developers are one of the costs deciding factors that determine the development costs of an on-demand app like Decathlon. Best experienced developers will help you to deliver your application on time as well as cost you more.

  • Total Supported Features & Panels:- However the Total number of features & panels that you want in your on-demand application to support both Android app development as well as IOS app development then the development cost will be increased.

Also Read :- Google Express -A complete guide of Shopping Service From Google

Looking for an app development company to hire

If you are looking to develop an on-demand online shopping mobile application like Decathlon, you are in the right place. Tech Pathway is one of the leading IT Development Company which serves the best on-demand services on Android Applications, IOS Applications, and Web Applications. We have an experienced team of mobile app developers that always ready to deliver the best on-demand services. 

Here What We Offer:-
